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Alpha Line

​#12 Crystal 'Imani' Alonzo​​
Major: Education

Hobbies: Surfing the Internet, Baking, and Hanging with Friends and Sisters
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

​#13 Chante 'Adalia' Garcia​​
Birthday:​ May 29th

Major:​ Bio- Medical
Hometown:  Corpus Christi, Texas

"Everything and anything is possible with hard work and will power. But first admit to yourself it's possible." 

​#16 Lluvia 'Ualani' Montanez​​
Birthday: October 9th

Major: Psychology
Hometown: Dallas, Texas

"As a college student you must remember that the only thing you can be sure of, is having control over your academics." 
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