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#37 Denysse 'Mireya' Nolazco
Birthday: January 12
Hometown: Eagle Pass, Texas
Major: Psychology
Hobbies: Reading, Hanging out with friends, Makeup, Arts&Crafts
"A head full of fears has no space for dreams."

#39 Samanthia 'Aurora' Flores
Birthday: August 20
Hometown: Lyford, Texas
Major: Political Science
"I'm not sure what I'll do, but -well I want to go places and see people.
I want my mind to grow. I want to loive where things happen on a big
scale." F. Scott Fitzgerald

#40 Aneth 'Neziah' Soto
Birthday: July 19
Hometown: Galveston, Texas
Major: Nursing
Hobbies: Going out with friends, Netflix, Studying, Working
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability
to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
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