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Requirements of Membership:
Recruitment Week:
In order to become a member at TAMUCC’s Xi Delta Chapter applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
- A cumulative GPA of at least a 2.75
-College Course Hours
-A completed application submitted to the Xi Delta Chapter
-$60 Application Fee
-An interview with the Xi Delta Chapter of SLG


During this week, we will have events every day that will allow interested women to get to know the Xi Delta Chapter and decide if this is the right fit for them. On the last day of the week, we will hold interviews for all applicants. This will allow us to get to know each applicant and for them to ask us any questions that they may have. Information about this week will be on the main recruitment page or on all of our social media sites.
Membership Dues:
After the interviews the Xi Delta chapter will contact applicants to announce whether or not they are receiving a bid. If an applicant does not receive a bid or declines to continue steps to take part of the journey, the $60 application fee is refunded in full.

National Induction Fees $125
Administrative Fees $5
National Initiation Fees $150
Administrative Fees $35
Totals=$315 For first semester only*
*The first semester is the most costly semester because of the Journey.
Every Semester After Fees:
Membership Dues $115
Yearly Convention/Retreat $40
MGC Dues $15
Committee Fees $5
Education Foundation $10
Totals= $185

The Journey:
The Journey is an 8 week education program that aids the transition into becoming a Sigma Lambda Gamma member. The journey is based on learning more about yourself, the girls that are going on the journey with you, as well as learning more about SLG locally and nationally in order to understand how you can benefit from becoming a sister of SLG.
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