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​#23 Bianca 'Tisha' Rodriguez

Birthday: June 14th 
Hometown: Robstown, Texas
Major: (undergraduate) History, (graduate) Public Administration

"When someone tells you who they are believe them"
  - Maya Angelou


​#26 Heather 'Bitya' Bartell

Birthday: March 19th
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas 
Major: Nursing​​​​​
Hobbies: Photography, Singing, Piano, Listening to Music, Reading, Watching Movies  ​​
"True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul."
  - Audrey Hepburn


​#24 Felicia 'Oriana' Martinez​

Birthday: May 26th
Hometown: Charlotte, Texas
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies

Hobbies: Dancing, Strolling, Writing, Arts & Crafts, Taking Pictures​

"Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living."
  - Unknown


​#27 Kristen 'Kefira' Garza 

Birthday: October 12th
Hometown: San Benito, Texas ​​
​​​​​Major: Nursing​
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, studying, listening to music ​​​​​​​​
"A girl knows her limits, but a wise girl knows she has none "​​​
 - Marilyn Monroe​​​
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